Little about Ilya and Naoko
Goldman |
- was
born in April 27 in Ukraine
moved to Israel when he was 13, and came to Canada
in 1994
- has
lovely parents and cute younger brother
- is
very romantic and has gentle soul
likes Naoko, Martial Arts, Movies and Girls
- Blue
Belt Machado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- speaks
Japanese (very little)
Goldman (Sakata) |
- was born
in May 28 in Japan
- came to Canada
in 1996 as a student.
- has
lovely parents and two cute younger brothers
- likes Exercise,
Cooking, Baking and Ilya
Kira Goldman |
- was born in June 21, 2005 (11:20 a.m.) at St. Paul's
- Weight 3550g, Height 53cm
- likes girls and her parents
- understand Japanese, Russian and English (maybe
- is very lovely sweet baby
Please click here
to see her photos.